Yes, good article! And yes I have been thinking about just such a thing. As someone who has been creating content, a "content creator" for over 30 years, writing, photography, painting, coding, videos, then just maybe I have enough data to get an 80% approximation. The trick would be designing a specific AI system that could absorb all that data like a RAG sponge and allow you to query against it to tweak it, align it to a more accurate model of yourself. Ultimately a BCI (Brian Computer Interface) such as an advanced version of Neuralink could be used to pair your mind with the AI and eventually do any final mirrioring before death. Possibly very high resolution MRI machines and cryogenic or chemical preservation technologies could be used to store a deceased brain for later/future further adjustments by AI machines designed to scan image and simulate parts of your reconstructed biological neural pathways. All very speculative, but certainly interesting and possibly feasible with future tech. Let me know if you would like to discuss further one on one?