Is Time Travel Simulation Into The Past Possible With Powerful Computers? Even Time Jumping Into The Future?!
A lot of us are familiar with Marty McFly, Doc Brown and Doctor Who. There was even time travel in the new and old Star Trek Universes, but reality is something entirely different. Aside from the wonderful entertainment we all get from watching time travel in science fiction, the question still remains, is it even possible?
Well we all know that time travel into the future is possible, because we are doing it naturally. What I mean by that is that every moment of “now” advances into a future moment of now and we find ourselves in the future with a memory of past events, “past nows” or back “thens”.
I’ll take it as a given axiom that you agree with our common observations on this. However observations can vary with space-time and speed and gravity as Einstein theorized. This article won’t go into those.
One could probably argue that “time jumping” into the future is experientially possible because it happens when we are unconscious, as in during an operation when we wake up from the anesthesia, if we wake up, we are in the future, a jump in time has occurred. We find ourselves in the future, one in which we survived the operation with our reawakened consciousness intact. We don’t remember experiencing the passage of time while unconscious.
Although one could say that is a similar situation to going to sleep every night, sleeping soundly and then waking up in the future morning! The only thing that is missing is our memories of time passing (unless you can remember a dream). So we all are future time travelers then naturally. Being conscious is therefore important to experiencing, “observing” the passage of each moment of the now. In our everyday lives “times arrow” only points and flows or travels toward the future.
However inside “science fiction time machines”, going into the future or the past usually doesn’t involve losing one’s consciousness, even temporarily. There are exceptions of course, but go with me on this, let’s just say jumping into a significantly distant future now while still conscious is just not possible.
There are a number of reasons for this? I wrote the next sentences, but I’m not sure they are true? — “Events in the future are unpredictable due to the fact they depend on a series of selective observations and actions some of which you can’t or can control, such as breathing and I’m going to say even conscious thought and the firing of neurons, the formation of ‘thens’ memories. But the future moves forward even without our existence or consciousness, I think? It did before I was born, at least my parents said so . . .”
Wow, this is getting complicated already the deeper down the rabbit hole we go. No wonder no one has really figured it all out yet. If they have, I’d like to know, especially without having to resort to some complex mathematics, which I probably wouldn’t understand anyway. Now just imagine how jarring and confusing it would be to jump into the future while being still conscious!
Now let’s look at the past. Is it possible to travel into the past? This article on “Time Travel Simulation Resolves ‘Grandfather Paradox’” is very interesting and the answer appears to be No, Yes, Yes, depending on who you are and how much energy you have available to time travel into the past. Would such energy interfere with the working of the human consciousness? The answer is presently unknown or the question irrelevant or illogical, paradoxical?
So I will now give an opinion on an answer to the compound question of our article, “Is Time Travel Simulation Into The Past Possible With Powerful Computers? Even Time Jumping Into The Future?!” Well we have so far developed the terms now, thens and one more is needed. I’m going to use “funows” for short to identify potential “future nows”.
So we can say, “nows are always becoming unique funows which eventually turn into specific thens we remember”.
But how many funows are possible? Only one specific one can become a now. That goes to the question of fate and multiple universes. Again, outside the scope of this article.
So now, pardon the pun, it becomes very apparent that this is really a very very complicated subject. One could argue that there is only one funow possible if you believe in fate. Or that all possible universes have different funows depending on the initial start conditions. Are you confused? Because I am! Do all these universes actually exist some when?
Can we know the initial start conditions? From that can we determine what all the other universe’s initial start conditions are and what the potential funows for each universe really is?
Wow again, I’m getting really lost in thought here. However I think I can say because a computer simulation can be setup with any initial conditions and not be required to exactly matching that of our existing reality, it would be possible to travel via VR headet and body suit or simply future direct brain chip implant to any past or future time of our making!
However to simulate a future time would require a passage of “computational time” to simulate a believable future of sophisticated enough complexity to be believable. That’s called suspension of disbelief in an author’s story. Something similar has to occur for an individual to believe in a funow that was simulated and into which the individual has jumped consciously.
Well, you’ve read this far, and I do commend you! But try writing it…
I think it would be possible for Future AI’s of enough sophistication and with enough computational power available, to provide past and future simulations to humans of such complexity that they would be believable as alternate multiverses and possibilities.
Those “computational simulated future possibilities” could be explored and used to change the outcomes of our future real world possibilities in the real now and select between “funows with high enough probables”. As we do now with weather forecasting, nuclear explosions, etc. It could even be used to explored possible past history scenarios, discovering “probables deductible from exploring a past”, but not readily evident presently. Possibly even recover humans to various degrees of resolution, imagination and accuracy. It wouldn’t matter as long as most everyone believed they’re “real enough”!
The possibilities of such a scenario are endless and open, literally as much or possibly more than any funow. Because now we have coupled the real universe to a virtual one(s) of our computational creation. Because isn’t that what we are doing already with science fiction stories?